Welcome to the pond!

It might not look fantastic on phones! My apologies. I will fix it eventually u-u
As does the flow of the tides and the rivers, this website is made so that you must float down the stream too. Links to help guide you are limited. Use your adventurous little brain to explore Tadd's pond, and wherever it else it may take you!

Fun fact: Ponds are ponds until they become lakes! Lakes are 20 ft deep or more. Our pond is only about 3 ft deep. thats enough for some koi! :)

Recent update

at 3:45pm on nov 15th, 2023

Hello folks. Tadd here, about to try out this wonderful sounding spiced oolong Tea. I plan on sharing my thoughts on many things with y'all because I am a quite opinionated individual, so I will be making a good handful of pages and offshoots of this one to share these opinions with you all. For now, I want to simply provide a link to a Tea shop ran by a very kind person. She owns her own tea shop, and has been my go to person for getting tea shipped to me. She is simply fantastic. Her tea blends are wonderful and she is very transparent about every ingredient in her tea mixes, especially if you ask for more details if needed. Ive had very good luck with non caffienated teas gotten from her that I share with my pet quaker parrot louie! :).

I hope y'all are able to try some new sweet treat today, like I am. Still waiting for this tea to cool down but I will take a sip now so that I dont lead you guys on too long, and leave you on a cliffhanger ;3. (its absolutely fantastic :D). I'm going to continue working on the next update for the website. There will be a lot to look out for! Have a lovely day :)

Fellow webmasters, please look at my code. Contact me and give me constructive criticism, because hell do I need it. :) -Tadd

Status 1

at 1:27 pm on oct 24th, 2023

I'm happy about how this is turning out. I have been severely struggling with formatting this damned website. Every other aspect of customization feels very intuitive, but instead of being able to wrap my head around how it works I have just resulted to just using margins and small pixel movements to change the positions of the boxes.

Aside from the website troubles I am quite happy with how it's coming together. I hope to have the patience to add a couple more pages if I find the time. I am currently focused on studying but this is a fun project to work on on the side. I think a solid 'about me' is in order coming up next. Until then I might try to throw in a guest book. Other Ideas I have had is trying to make the text boxes look like lilly pads on a lake. Have them move with water effects when scrolling or some shit. I think a longer website with scattered text boxes full of fun stuff would be a nice way to format this project that shows more who I am creatively as a person. I am winding. I am free and flowing and ever changing. I am always evolving and learning.