Tadd Games

This is a very unhelpful website that people who own old wii-u consoles should never visit.
I am definitely NOT condoning you visit this website if you have an old wii u lying around collecting dust.
You will NOT unlock a new ability to play hundreds of games that could be otherwise lost to time if nintendo doesn't ever boot their early games to switch. ( Theres another one for ds and wii that I do not reccomend looking into.)

So I am a big scary pirate
And when I say big
definitely dont mean 4'10
But in reality I am all for piracy. Genuinely. There are some games that are nearly impossible to get otherwise. Even if you do buy them, none of that money is going back to these big companies producing them, they're going back to second hand sellers marking up the prices to entice collectors.

But what if we arent collectors? What if we are just people who want to enjoy games?

Its literally just a png of a fish

Thats where I come in ( but actually just like pirates preserving games on various websites)

I believe that we should have free acess to many older games, as well as promoting smaller games within our small groups so that together, similar to the web revival movement, we are able to uplift these smaller corners of the gaming world.
I'm addicted to buying videogames, so I am going to be one of these silly little people trapped inside your device of choosing. I am going to keep a stream going of games I play, from ones that I have played and enjoyed, to ones that might not be my taste, so that maybe someone else could enjoy them. I have a library of several thousand games with all my devices inccluded, so I plan on slowly playing through it. The library service I use to condense all my game libraries, called playnite has a function that allows me to randomize the library and to find one game among my endless list of them. As soon as I get my Tadd's game reviews page up and running, the button below will bring you there.
Have fun sailing the high seas gamers.
All code Written by Tadd
Click the fish png for all of your game reviews :)